

How to choose a Realtor®

Every day we hear horror stories about Realtor’s:  Client’s Realtor’s aren’t responding to them; they’re not showing the house; they’re not finding houses worth seeing; they aren’t working very hard; they’re driving up purchase prices to make more commission; they’re not setting up property viewings as requested.

Not all complaints are valid in all situations, but enough are that finding the right agent is a proper concern.  You need to find somebody that knows your area and that works the way you work.  Do you like e-mail?  Make sure the Realtor regularly uses e-mail.  Do you want constant updates on what is going on?  Make sure they are someone that is going to keep you informed.  There’s a hundred variables and a hundred risks when you sign on with anyone, including a Realtor.  It’s a very personal service and you need to be sure that you will enjoy the experience and profit from it.

So what does that tell us?  How do you find the Realtor that is right for you?  There is no easy answer to the question.  At the Hamad Law Firm, LLC, we can often point you in the direction of Realtor’s that we have used before and that we know will work well with you, but that’s only one answer.  Personal referrals not just from us but from anyone you know are very important.  Looking at someone online can only tell you so much – find out what your friends, your relatives, your business associates know about Realtor’s in your area.  If you don’t get good leads from that, go to the internet, see what you can find, and most importantly talk to the Realtor before you commit to dealing with them.

If you’d like a recommendation, be sure to contact the Hamad Law Firm, LLC, today.

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