Thank you for visiting the site. I am Daniel R. Hamad, Esq., the principal attorney at the Hamad Law Firm, LLC. I am an experienced real estate, corporate, and intellectual property attorney, and through those I rely on, am able to provide most any service to you at a price that is fair, and with the quality you should expect.
My Pledge
When I was just starting out in this business I once asked a superior if we should take a certain type of business on. His response? “Never turn down business.”
Now from any business owners perspective, that’s a great idea. But as a client, it should concern you when lawyers take on business that they aren’t set up to handle. So I make this pledge to you: If I am uncomfortable with the type of work you are asking my firm to handle, I will tell you so. I will then try to find a lawyer from my extensive network that can appropriately handle your business. I will not take on work only to do it in a manner that does not please you.
So welcome to the Hamad Law Firm, LLC. A new type of lawyer, and a new type of firm, for a new age. Contact us today and let us know what we can do for you.